Did I Get Botox and Fillers?
The answer is no.
Just a couple of weeks ago I was talking to some of my new “mom-friends”
I just met last summer.
As we’re getting to know each other, one of them asked me how old I was.
When I told her I was 41 years old her eyes got big and her jaw dropped,
she did not believe it!
If I were to share her reaction, it would be exactly like this... 🤣
And I’m not sure if I feel proud or embarrassed but shortly after I turned 29 I met my husband, whom at the time was 23 years old and he asked me if I really was 29 because he didn’t believe it.
Fast forward to today, now we’re married with two little boys.
I've come to learn that Botox and fillers can only do so much for you.
Reverse aging starts mainly with hydration, eating, sleeping, working out, and then everything else such as skin care and botox and fillers.
On a personal note, I’ve always been afraid of surgeries, botox and fillers.
That is why I’ve always looked for natural solutions to continue to look young, or at least look my best at my age.
Botox and fillers will not do miracles, it will just help you bring the best out of you, which is nothing wrong with that but, like I said, they only can do so much for you; they’re just the cherry on top.
Think of it as if you work out and eat well, but if you add a few supplements it will help you bring out the best of who you already are, because of the lifestyle you already have.
I’m sharing this because if you’re anything like me, and you’re looking for a natural approach to staying and looking young, I have found the solution.
I share all of my tips, step by step and a natural approach to reverse aging without any invasive procedures, so you can not only look your best but feel your best at your age.
I'm sharing everything I've done in the last 15 years.
Learn more about reverse aging here!
If you'd like to learn my exact plan that I've followed to increase longevity, and slow down the aging process then watch this FREE Video to learn about the exact strategies and the exact plan to follow in the next 30 days to reverse aging.