Lacking Vitality Was the Main Reason I Started this Journey to Longevity
Seven years ago I started to nap not only every day but for more than 3 hours at a time, yet feeling like I needed to nap even more.
I knew that something was completely wrong but wasn’t sure what and why.
I was always tired, and I mean lethargic… I couldn’t even do a single load of laundry, it felt like such an exhausting workout.
Then one day one of my friends shared on her Facebook post about a similar experience, and she talked about adrenal fatigue…
I immediately remembered my brother having thyroid problems, and that is when it hit me.
I was having the same symptoms my friend and brother were having.
2016 - the start of my journey
5 Ancient and Powerful Herbs for Vitality and Longevity
My symptoms:
Lack of sleep throughout the night, feeling exhausted during the day and having a burst of energy right before bed time.
I remember skipping the gym because I didn’t have the energy, and the days I dragged myself out of the house just to get a workout, I’d be yawning with watery eyes all throughout the workout, I slowly started to lift less and less heavy until I just stopped working out.
That’s when I decided to get checked at the Dr. and I wasn’t wrong, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
I had learned from my brother that once you go on synthetic hormones, there’s a chance of not coming back from it.
The more you use them, the more your life depends on them.
I decided to go the natural route, and I told my doctor I wouldn't be taking Levothyroxine (the synthetic hormone) and left her office.
I decided I would take this all natural pill made out of 5 herbs that my friend had shared on her Facebook post, and I kid you not, I felt the difference the very first day.
Excitingly I told my husband and though he was in disbelief, I continued to take it for the the next 7 years, now present time as I'm writing this in 2023.
To this day, I’m still taking it.
I not only have more energy but the days I don’t take it, I can notice it on my mood, my motivation and energy.
I now get to enjoy some of my favorite activities again such as hiking!
I get a lot more done when I take this all natural 5 herb pill.
Why am I sharing this?
Because I know what it feels to not have energy, to feel unmotivated and not be happy in general. I wanted to feel and do the things I did when I was in my early 20's again!
Staying and feeling young starts from within. It all starts with the mitochondria in your cells. It is the battery of each and every single cell in your body and it is what keeps us running.
During the last seven years I’ve learned how oxidative stress can cause mitochondria dysfunction, and how having too much oxidative stress can lead to many diseases, and not to mention how fast we age.
It just blew my mind away what all these natural herbs can do for your body when combined together.
If you’d like to learn more about what these 5 herbs are I made a FREE download where you can read more about it and how they can help you if you add them daily.